Closed down service station liquidation! We have an ample supply of Luber-finer, Champ, and Fleetguard oil, air, and fuel filters that fit a variety of different makes and models. Items included but not limited to the following:
10 - LFF8000 - Cummins $100/obo
16 - LAF5980 - Dodge Diesel 03-10 $150/obo
6 - AF1046 - Ford F series 87-97 $25/obo
13 - PH832 - GM Medium Duty 72-85 $100/obo
16 - P3244 - GM 4 cyl 02-11 $65/obo
1 - AF7820 - Dodge Diesel 89-93 $25/obo
26 - PH454 - 7.4 & 8.1 GM $130/obo
3 - LAF1680 - Ford 7.3 99-01 $20/obo
23 - LAF1617 - Ford Turbo Diesel 94-98 $185/obo
and the list goes on and on. There is a selection of filters that fit various ag equipment and heavy trucks as well. Items will need to be picked up Monday-Friday from 8am-5pm. Truly have to many filters to list so if you have a filter number you are looking for let me know what it is and I can see if we have it. Will not separate to individual filters you must take the full amount of that particular filter number. Will negotiate on price for larger quantities.