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Machinist precision tools

Ellsworth, Kansas
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Posted 1 day, 10 hours ago
Expires in 5 days, 13 hours
3,226 Clicks


Machinist tools

Updated prices

Starrett 8” – 32” inside mike : $150

Mitutoyo 0 – 6” depth mike : $125

Proto 0 – 3” depth mike : $25

Mitutoyo .030” travel test indicator $75

Mitutoyo back plunger indicator $75

Starrett back plunger indicator $50

Starrett AGD 0 - .200” .0001” reading indicator $150

Federal test indicator .030” travel .001” reading $50

Yuasa AGD indicators (2, 1  with snap gage)  $60 for both

Cheap China indicator $10

Starrett AGD 0-1” indicators  (2)  $75 ea.

Radius gages $30

Mitutoyo telescope gages $90

Three wire sets (2) with fishtail $20

Thread measuring triangles $20

Starrett 671 indicator attachment $30

Starrett 670B/645F hole attachment $60

Brown and sharp 1” x ½” x 6” parallels $20

Pictures available upon request

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