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Precast Concrete Blocks

2670 East 9th Street
Hays, Kansas
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Posted 3 days, 21 hours ago
Expires in 3 days, 2 hours
9,785 Clicks



4’x2’x2’ Concrete Blocks $75.00 each

8’x2’x2’ Concrete Blocks $120.00 each  

Parking Blocks $50.00

Flat and Interlocking Concrete Blocks available. Concrete Barrier Blocks have a variety of uses including retaining walls, barriers, traffic control, weights, security purposes, and building bins for storage. Our 4 ft. blocks weigh approximately 2400 lbs. and 8 ft. blocks approximately 4800 lbs.

Call Hess Services at 785-625-9295 and ask for Customer Service for more details or for ordering information. You can also email us at customerservice@hess-services.com.

(Delivery and crane also available for an additional cost.)


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