Working Horses with all healthcare - Geldings and Mares

Goodland, Kansas
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Posted 3 days, 14 hours ago
Expires in 3 days, 9 hours
27,083 Clicks


785 787-7280 if you have questions.  

Training so far:

Be caught, halter, lead, tie, pick up all four feet, be groomed, load and unload on a trailer.

Stand tied, lungeing, yield shoulders and hindqaurters,  sidepass, trimmed every 8 to 10 weeks.

Great ground work, getting started and riding. 

Some broke to ride,  others getting started. 1500 to 5500. 

Pali grade stud halter broke colt born 4/1/24. $1750obo

Theo grade bay gelding halter btoke been saddled  5yo $2250obo

Sarge grade bay gelding halter and pack broke 5yo $2000obo

Black grade mare 12 ride green broke $2000obo 

Healthcare: 10/20/24

7way with rabies



Teeth Floated

Feet trimmed

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