I have boer does and a few boer/spanish cross commercial does and doelings. These are does that have kids, have raised kids, etc. There is nothing wrong with them I am just reducing my numbers, they have been on alfalfa hay free choice, loose minerals and no grain except for the occasional to bring them in to work them. $250 each Oberlin KS
Black doe- 1/2 spanish and the rest boer, 3 yrs, good mom.
Her 2 yearlings doelings- one black headed, one brown headed, 1/4 Spanish the rest boer.
1- doeling with brown and black on head, born in December. 1x1 teated, she has a great Dam.
1 3 year old doe- 1/2 Spanish, 1/2 Boer- good mom currently has a couple kids on her. And will occasionally feed the other kids that are around.
Will have more to list