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New Holland 273 square baler

Norcatur, Kansas
Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
Expires in 0 minutes
363 Clicks


Used this for about 4 years.  When I bought it I rebuilt the stuffer and put bearings in the pickup. Last spring it crashed the needles hard. Shattered both needles and broke bill hooks.  It went to Klines in McCook where it got needles and several new parts in the knotters. However it never did tie right again and they closed before they could get it lined out better.  The knots want to hang on the tonge of the bill hook and wont swipe off. Sometimes it will make 20 or 30 before missing sometimes it will miss several in a row.  If you know knotters better than I it may be some simple adjusting.  Or if you have a good set of knotters.  The rest of the baler is in great shape.  I have well over triple asking price into it but know I cant recoup that. Would consider reasonable offers. Included a picture of what the knots like to do. Generally the left side but sometimes the right did it as well. 785 896 2582 Better chance at getting ahold of me messaging here though. 

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