2928 N. Lightville Rd.
Salina, Kansas
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Posted 6 days, 4 hours ago
Expires in 19 hours, 20 minutes
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Firewood for Sale; 3” to 12” Dia. (some split) cut to 16", length varies.  A stack 4’ High x 8’ Long of the following woods: Mulberry, Ash, and Elm or any Combination of the three $115, Cottonwood and Pine or any Combination of the two $85, Hedge/Osage Orange $135. Seasoned Cedar is available for those outdoor fire pits at $85/stack. Located 8 miles NW of Salina. Above prices are on site and you load. Selecting from the stack will be done working from the top down or from end (no sorting and picking).

Delivery is available within 10 miles for $30 per stack or smaller order (beyond 10 miles and less than 30 miles an additional .50 cents a mile to & from will be charged from 10 miles). Any delivery beyond 30 miles and less than 50 miles is an additional $1.00 a mile to and from 30 miles. No deliveries beyond 50 miles. Must be easy truck access to unloading location and buyer must participate and assist in un-loading. Smaller Quantities Available (price will vary) Ph 78 five 8 two 3  78 one 2                       


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