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Macdon Swather

Grainfield, Kansas
Posted 4 years, 9 months ago
Expires in 0 minutes
699 Clicks


I have a 2013 Macdon M155 for sale with a 16ft A40D auger header. This machine stands out when swathing alfalfa at speeds 6 to 7 mph and leaving a clean cut. You can control your real speed, knife speed, and auger speed all independently from the cab. If your fields are spread out it makes moving quick with reverse drive at speeds up to 23 mph. This machine only has 700 header hours and 900 engine hours and has been across less than 6,000 acres. This machine also has the capability of running a 13ft Macdon r85, the new r1 series, and also Macdon drapers. The only reason for selling is we are considering updating to a bigger swather. Give me a call at 7856739858.
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