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Brand New Box Scrapers

Lindsborg, Kansas
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Posted 6 days, 15 hours ago
Expires in 8 hours, 44 minutes
14,917 Clicks


Speed movers and all equipment include new tires and cylinders.  Land planes and 12-16' pull graders also available by special order.  Call or text 316-650-2023

L4 4' Electric - $1100

L5 5' - $1200

L6 6' - $1400

F07 7' - $2000

F07 7' Tilt - $2400

F08 8' - $2050

F08 8' Tilt - $2350

F10 10' - $2500

F10 10' Tilt - $2800

F12 12' - $2700

F12 12' Tilt - $3000

08F 8' Heavy Duty Tilt - $3600

10F 10' Heavy Duty Tilt - $3900

12F 12' Heavy Duty Tilt - $4050

14F 14' Heavy Duty Tilt - $4200

120R Pull Grader (Rear Steer) - $8300

140R Pull Grader (Rear Steer) - $9300

160R Pull Grader (Rear Steer) - $10,250

180 3-Point 8' Blade - $2800

Pivot Track Closer - $3500

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