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Used PIckup Flat Beds for sale

Cawker City, Kansas
Posted 5 years, 8 months ago
Expires in 0 minutes
1,693 Clicks


We have an assortment of used flat beds for pickups for sale.  We have included the measurements of each bed and the outside to outside measurement of the underneath mounting rails.  We are not flat bed experts.  Calling or messaging us to ask if one will fit on your truck does no good.  Please measure your own truck and decide if one of the beds will work for you.

Flat Bed #1 - 8' long by 80 1/2" wide.  37 3/4" outside to outside bottom rail.  $400

Flat Bed #2 - 8'1" long by 8' wide.  33" ouside to outside bottom rail.  $550

Flat Bed #3 - 8'6" long by 7'6" wide.  34 1/2" outside to outside bottom rail. $550

Flat Bed #4 - 8' long by 7"3" wide.  34" outside to outside bottom rail. $500

Flat Bed #5 - 11'6" long by 7'6" wide. 36" outside to outside bottom rail. $1200

Call Big Bill at Triple B Salvage and Sales for more information. 785-545-5921.

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