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Prophet 18 mo old Angus Bull
Posted 5 years, 9 months ago
Expires in 0 minutes
231 Clicks
SF Prophet 715. AAA #19044682. Exceptional calving ease, growth and marbling combination. Top 10% CED, $Beef, top 1% weaning weight, yearling weight, docility, marbling, $Wean, and $quality grade EPDs. He had an actual bw of 82lbs, weaning weight of 672, and yearling weight of 1226. He is as docile as his epds show, walks well, and has great feet. Had his sire in our herd for a long time and have many siblings in our herd now with no issues. Will hold and feed for no cost until you are ready for him. 1 season breeding guarantee. Call or text with any questions 620-786-5467