Proceeds to benefit the Phillipsburg Project, Inc. ongoing endeavor.
Downtown Phillipsburg
Indoor Garage Sale: Feb. 1st & 2nd
877 3rd ST – Friday & Saturday – 9am - 4pm.
We have lots of “Stuff”!!!
Early birds welcome. Cash & Carry.
This Nex-Tech account is not monitored while “Stuff Sale” is in progress.
Call Project Coordinator for details: 785.443.5400
More info & pictures here:
2 Goodyear Tires (on Rims)
Kodiak Cross-Bow
Weights – Large Assortment!
Sofas; Swivel Rocker; Office Chair; Dining Tables & Misc. Small Chairs
Early 20th Century Tiger Oak Upright Schaeffer Piano with Bench
Oak Entertainment Center; Corner Entertainment Center;
Wall Art; Picture Frames; Collector Dolls
Textiles: Vintage Aprons & Linens, Tablecloth's
Doilies, Crochet Thread & Craft Supplies
Singer Sewing Machine (Decorative Purposes); Vintage Working Sewing Machine
Bedding & Bath Supplies; Garment Steamer; Ironing Boards; Irons
Kitchen-wares: including Cornell, Pyrex & Fire King
Excellent selection of Small Kitchen Appliances
Odd lots of dish, glass, & stemware for starters & replacers
Cookbooks, Baking & Storage-wares all value priced. . .
Assorted Jewelry, Scarves, Health & Beauty miscellany
Vintage Crib (makes great toy catcher or convert into toddler bed)
Strollers, Baby & Toddler Car Seats; Nursery Decor, etc.
~ BOGO BAG SPECIAL ~ (Buy 1 get 1 Free)
Purses, Cosmetic Bags, Backpacks, Suitcases, Laptop, Logo, etc. -- store-wide!
Home Improvement Supplies; Camping; Gardening & Sporting Supplies
Assorted Small Electronics – DVD & VCR players; Elec. Typewriter; Sony Cam
Large Selection Audio Books, CDs, DVDs & VCR movies. . .
Sidewalk Sale findings - most basket &/or tote items 3 for $1.00
Early birds welcome. Cash & Carry.
This Nex-Tech account is not monitored while “Stuff Sale” is in progress.
Call Project Coordinator for details: 785.443.5400
More info & pictures here:
The Phillipsburg Project is sponsored by the
M.A.D.E. Foundation, Inc.
204 Federal Ave. PO Box 183
McDonald, Kansas 67745-0183
O 785.538.2526 C 785.443.5400
A 501(c)(3) Community Service Organization: EIN 20-4278201