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!WANTED! Old Gas Pumps, Signs, Globes, Cans, Etc

2003 Patio Dr.
Hays, Kansas
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Posted 1 day, 3 hours ago
Expires in 5 days, 20 hours
2,912 Clicks
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I am a collector. I do not buy and sell for profit. I am passionate about preserving this type of history. The condition does not matter to me. If it is rusty or immaculate, it gets my attention. I am interested in gas pumps, porcelain signs, gas pump globes, and anything oil and gas related. I hope to hear from you so I can make the piece a part of my collection. The pictures that I have posted on my add are some of the gas pumps in my collection. I will pay cash and pick up!!! Please call or text me at 785-639-6886

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