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Bainter Boom Trenchers, New Gen 6+ !!

11013 E. Road 60 N.
Hoxie, Kansas
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Posted 4 days, 13 hours ago
Expires in 2 days, 10 hours
6,082 Clicks


The new Gen6+ is available with a hydraulic driven gearbox reduction that is producing up to 30% more torque. It's specifically designed for the  higher horsepower, high flow machines, this trencher rocks!!!Give us a call on the upgrades that are available!

We are the manufacturer of the ultimate skid steer trenching attachment! We trench driving FORWARD! Now you can cut shallow or up to 6'6" deep, and from 5” wide out to 16” in the shallower depths.  We can cut circles, about a 20’ radius...again all while driving foreword . This is the perfect attachment for digging footers, or laying water, electrical, and geothermal lines. Ours is NOT a light weight machine! We hit the scales at over 1700 lbs on our standard 3'6" model. Compare that to the other guys!  It is designed and built for years of rugged industrial and commercial use. 
Drive forward, no more crooked trenches!, remain at a set depth (the upward cutting action on our chain pulls the trencher downward while the depth wheels and bumper arm hold it stationary... no more crawling upwards when you trench across a rock shelf, standard or high flow compatable, fully adjustable for any depth, widths from 5" to 16" with multiple chain and tooth options and a full 2 year warranty on the hydraulic motor and non consumable parts. We trench more efficiently than any other trencher attachment in the industry. 

Call, email or text with any questions at any time!

. Bainterboomtrenchers.com

Ask about our 4 and 6 way skid steer dozer blades and our rotary trench filler attachment !


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