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3 point equipment mover

Bucklin, Kansas
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Posted 1 day, 10 hours ago
Expires in 5 days, 13 hours
12,337 Clicks


This three point mover attachment is perfect for moving a shed full of equipment and trailers with gooseneck, pin hitches, ball hitches and pintle hitches all without having to get out change hitches or raise and lower jacks. I have used one of these to move a great plains 4000, a loaded gooseneck grain trailer, and other farm equipment. Fits category 2, 3N, 3, and 4 three point attachment.

 Brand new built by Seacat Metal Works

620 eight two six 5547

Category 2, 3N and 3 is $750

Category 2, 3N, 3, and 4 is $800

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