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Superior Quality Cedar Fence Posts for sale

Fort Collins, Colorado
Posted 7 years, 10 months ago
Expires in 0 minutes
3,026 Clicks


About our cedar: Fragrant and naturally beautiful, Missouri Red Cedar and Nebraska Red Cedar is an excellent choice in wood fencing. This is the same cedar used in cedar chests and closets for its fragrance, beauty, and insect resistance. A Juniper, member of the cypress family, is a very tough and resilient cedar even in ground contact. Because of its rot resistance, we use this cedar for our fence posts, logs, and lumber. These posts have proven to last for decades (20-50 years). Not to be confused with other cedars (Western Red Cedar, Incense Cedar, Northern White Cedar, Chinese Cedar) Eastern Red Cedar (grown in Missouri and southern Nebraska) is the superior cedar. It outperforms other cedars in strength and rot resistance. According to the ASTM Standards for Fence Materials and Products, Eastern Red Cedar is highlighted as superior in decay resistance and termite resistance (11th Edition, page 25-26). It is a common misconception, that the red center (heartwood) of the wood is what rots. In fact, it is quite the opposite. The center (heartwood) is what is rot resistant and keeps the post from decaying. The outer layer (white sapwood) is what rots over time.


Popular Cedar Fence Post Sizes:

4-5 inches wide by 7ft or 8ft long

5-6 inches wide by 7ft or 8ft long

6-8 inches wide by 8ft long


Please go to www.cedarlogs.net for pricing and availability. We also sell lumber and logs.

(We have shipped to customers in South Dakota, Colorado, Texas, Louisiana, and Kansas)

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