Are you searching for a farm related item? Let me help.

Galva, Kansas
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Posted 1 day, 14 hours ago
Expires in 5 days, 9 hours
10,284 Clicks


Several generations worth of items we no longer use or extras for parts.  Let me know what you are looking for and I may be able to help you find it for a fraction of what you would pay for it in town.  

Spare parts, for Gleaner combines, Allis tractors, field equipment,skid steer attachments,baler belting, hydraulic rams, mowers, rims, tires, tools, tree saw blades, cattle items,and fencing supplies are just a few of the categories we have extras in.  Also have antique farm equipment and collectables including some neat yard art pieces.  Many 3 point tool bars and antique allis quick hitch implements

Extra shanks for chisels, extra disc blades, extra rims for field equipment, semi rims, tractor tires for feed bunks only $20 each.

Extra oil drums/barrels $15 each

Call 620 654 60six6 if you want to call to see if I have what you need.

Either respond to this ad or call with the item(s) you are looking for to see if I have what you need.  




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