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Poochi puppies

Hoisington, Kansas
Posted 8 years, 5 months ago
Expires in 0 minutes
192 Clicks
Appears in
Dogs, Pets


These cute bundles of fur and fun are 2 months old and looking for a warm secure and loving home.  The mother is a mix of long haired chihuahua dad with a toy poodle.  The dad is a full toy poodle.  These puppies will get about 4-6 lbs as adults.  The black puppy is a female, the dominate one but very mild mannered towards people.  She has straight long hair so will look more like the poodle-chihuahua mix.  The creamy beige puppy is female, she is and always will look just like a toy poodle as will her brother the white puppy.  The male white puppy loves getting pets and being played with.   The girl is very easy going, loves everyone.  

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