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Skid Steer Concrete Bucket

116 W Main
Salina, Kansas
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Posted 6 days, 18 hours ago
Expires in 5 hours
7,380 Clicks


DWM ATTCHMENTS by Douglas Welding & Machine INC

Concrete bucket made for transporting concrete from truck to job site, great for getting into tight spots that are not  accessable for the truck or just simple little jobs that concrete is needing in different areas. Side dumb is ran by a hydraulic cylinder for easy one man use. will hold 2000 LBS on concrete. Can be used for sand, pea gravel, rock, etc.


Douglas Welding & Machine 

116 W Main St SALINA, KS 67401

HOURS: Monday-Friday 7:00am-3:30pm

SALES: Regan  (785) 536-4902

EMAIL: douglasweldingfab@outlook.com

WEBSITE: www.douglasweldingmachine.com


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