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Safety Zone UTV Side-By-Side Calf Catcher

2339 Commercial Ave
Beloit, Kansas
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Posted 4 days, 4 hours ago
Expires in 2 days, 19 hours
10,494 Clicks


Selling Fast - Call for Availability!

Safety Zone Calf Catcher -- Attaches to 4-wheeler or 4x4 Side by Side

UTV Unit - $3450
You can order these directly from the safetyzone website, but freight per unit is higher.
Don't want to assemble or set it up? We can do the assembly and set-up on your ATV/UTV for $150/unit.
This catcher can be mounted to any ATV (400 cc or larger recommended) or UTV (Side x Side). It is durably built with a walk through opening to cage. Calf holder/carrier is standard and a popular feature that enables easier calf handling, tagging, vaccinations, tattooing, weighing and banding. It securely restrains the calf permitting one person to safely proceed with the mother closely watching. http://www.safetyzonecalfcatchers.com/more.htm

Call Jon @ 785-738-0340


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