For Sale: Vintage stereo equipment, includes: a Garrard Synchro-Lab 95 turntable, including instruction manual; a Teac A-160 Stereo Cassette Deck with a High-Denisty Permaflux Head and dolby noise reduction; a Sansui AM/FM MPX Stereo tuner amp, Solid State 350; a Pioneer SR-101 Reverberating amp: a Pioneer SR-202; and a pair of of Sansui speakers, SP-30. $450.00. If you know anything about vintage equipment you will know that each of these items are considered excellent quality and are in demand for clear, precise musical enjoyment. We would prefer to sell as a set. Please check current values before contacting me, as I will not except low-ball offers. Call, text, or message me in Salina. Text preferred. 785-416-0260.