We have 1 female and 2 males left. they are mini ausse x border collie. both parents work livestock. pups tails are docked and dewclaws removed. will have first shots and be dewormed before leaving. Female is a tri and 1 male is a tri the other 2 are bi. they are ready to go to forever homes February 5th. $350 Check us out at midwestminiaussies.weebly.com or our facebook page Midwest Mini aussies and Stock dogs. Please feel free to call or text Lacey 30eight-eight 70- 6 3 five five
Also have a litter of pure bred border collies both parents are extremelly smart and work livestock. Both are medium smooth coats and as of right now all pups are looking to be that way. 2 females and 2 males left $450 each. Please feel free to give me a call or text with any questions.