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Mobile Chicken Tractor/Chicken Coop

Salina, Kansas
Posted 9 years, 2 months ago
Expires in 0 minutes
3,101 Clicks


For sale brand new chicken tractor never been used. A 4'x10' mobile chicken coop. It is made of all pressure treated exterior wood, galvanized hardware cloth and galvanized roof. It has a self cleaning roosting loft.This comfortable coop houses 6-8 chickens comfortably. Large 2 hole nesting box which is accessible from the outside. This chicken tractor is very sturdy all around and only weighs around 200 pounds. It is very well balanced on the two 10'' retractable solid rubber tires. It is easily pulled by hand and moved in seconds. Perfect for backyards and depending on your lawn could cut your feed bill in half. The chickens will fertilize your lawn and eat those pesky bugs. Chickens are available if needed. Thanks for looking.

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