1968 JD 3020. Serial #T113R 116018R
Deasel. Shows 5370 Hours. Syncro Trans. Row Crop wide front.
Tires: Rear 16.9-34 Firestpne (1 is new)
Front 7.5L-15 Firestone
Rear weights--2 each side
Block heater. 24 Volt Batts-1 year old
2 Hyd. New lift links and draft tubes. New drawbar. Front weights available.
148 JD Loader--6 ft bucket, no holes, new cutting edge. New top pins and bushings on boom. New lower pins on bucket. All new hoses. 3 spool valve. Grapple with round bale teeth (not silage teeth). New bracket to mount skid steer attachments.
Delivery possible.