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Cowboy Boot Holsters

$49.95 each
Pierceville, Kansas
Posted 10 years, 6 months ago
Expires in 0 minutes
1,499 Clicks


Cowboy Boot Holsters for NAA 22s, Sig P938, and many other submcompact and compact pistols! Available in black, tan , and brown leather, with optional suede lining! These holsters work great inside cowboy boots or work boots with a loose fitting mouth. The holster sits inside the boot and clips to the edge of the boot... keeping the firearm up closer to the top of the boot so you can reach it! Order yours or check availaibilty for your pistol/revolver here... http://www.rymanholsters.com/boot-holster.html


Prices start at $49.95. Pick it up in Pierceville, KS, or I will ship it anywhere in the USA for $7.95 via Priority Mail.

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