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Dixon ztr Ram 44 mower *PRICE REDUCED*

Great Bend, Kansas
Posted 12 years ago
Expires in 0 minutes
1,553 Clicks


I have a dixon riding mower for sale.  It is a 2004 year model and in great condition.  It is a 44 inch deck with three blades.  Original manual is included.  Included are 3 sets of mulching blades, 9 blades total.  It has an 18hp briggs and stratton engine.  It has a new battery and a new starter.  There is also an adapter to run a pull behind electric sprayer.  We purchased a new home in July and needed a riding mower, lot is 1 acre.  I realized that i need to get a mower with a bagger since there is a sprinkler system and with the amount of leaves that accumulate in the yard.

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