Black Angus Heifers

P.O. Box 881
Syracuse, Kansas
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Posted 15 hours, 58 minutes ago
Expires in 6 days, 8 hours
739 Clicks


Heifers are sold but we have a tremendous set of 2 year old bulls available. Fertility and trich tested ready to go to work! Buy our bulls and make yourself a set of heifers like this!!! Great maternal, growth and carcass traits!!! 620-384-1101

39 head of 800 lb fancy black angus replacement heifers. Weaned 120 days, freeze branded, shots and ready to make someone a fantastic set of cows. Would make a great AI project or I have 2 low birthweight bulls CEDs of 10 and 15 with BW EPDs of -2.7 and -1.8 that would fit right on a packages of 20, turn them out and be done! Let me know what would work for you, Aaron Plunkett, 620-384-1101

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