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New Holland L230 Skid Steer

Plainville, Kansas
Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
Expires in 0 minutes
1,454 Clicks


We have 2 New Holland L230 Skid Steers to sell

2011 NH L230 with 2570 Hours.  Needs new front door.

2013 NH L230 with 2096 Hours.

Both have Dutchman outriggers installed.  These are $5,000 attachements.  I'll include for $1,000 on each machine if you want/need them.

2011 - $28,500.00 (plus $1,000 for outriggers)

2013 - $32,500.00 (plus $1,000 for outriggers)

Both come with bucket.  I have one set of forks also for $250.00

(620) 770-2381

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