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Heartland Exotic Bird and Animal Auction **NEW LOCACTION**

North Platte, Nebraska
Posted 1 year, 3 months ago
Expires in 0 minutes
8,550 Clicks


Heartland Exotic Bird and Animal Auction 

Sunday October 8th 2023

Located in North Platte Nebraska 5015 Rodeo Road, at the Lincoln County Fairgrounds, in HEATED indoor Arena, starting at 9:00 AM Central Time with equipment following  tack/hoof stock and 10:00 AM start with main ring and warm room at 1:00 PM follow us on Facebook at “Heartland  Exotic Auction” Like, share and follow us to keep informed on auction events and consignments that will be coming to the sale  



20% items under  $200

15%  $201-$2,999

10%   $3,000+

No Sale Fee of $5.00 per cage/animal

Admission: $5 per person, 10 year old and under are free

Consignments taken:

Saturday  October 7th 3:00 PM-7:30PM CT

Sunday   October 8th 7:00 AM- 9:30 AM CT

Remember we have vendor booths available $30 a table get a hold of us to reserve your table or for any other questions  

Payment Methods Include Cash, Debit & Credit Cards NO CHECKS!

**Consignor checks will be mailed out within 3 business davs after sale**

More Information on Consignments Call:


Sale: Two Rings- bring a friend

Concessions  Will be provided 

Exotic animal means any animal which is not commonly sold through licensed livestock auction markets pursuant to the Livestock Auction Market Act. Such animals shall include, but not be limited to, miniature cattle (bovine), miniature horses, miniature donkeys, sheep (ovine), goats (caprine), alpacas (camelid), llamas (camelid), pot-bellied pigs (porcine), and small mammals, with the exception of cats of the Felis Domesticus species and dogs of the Canis Familiaris species. The term also includes birds and poultry. Does not include beef and dairy cattle, calves, swine, bison, or domesticated cervine animals;

Sale Items: Pheasants, peafowl, turkeys, quail, chukars, guinea, geese, ducks, doves, pigeons, chickens, bantams, mini cattle, donkeys, ponies, sheep, goats, llamas, alpaca, emu, house birds, baby chicks and more..

IN STATE CONSIGNMENT- Nebraska residents will need a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection on all hoof stock consigned at the sale. Scrapie tags must be present on sheep and goats. Coggins test required on all equine consigned.

OUT OF STATE CONSINGMENT- Call ahead- 402-471-2351 Kansas, Colorado, South Dakota, Missouri, Iowa, and other states. You must have paperwork completed prior to crossing the state line into Nebraska. Your local veterinarian can call (402) 471-2351 to obtain a permit to cross into the state. Poultry/Peafowl will need a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection and be from an NPIP Certified flock or have been individually tested for Typhoid and Pullorum, and found negative in the past 90 days. Hoof stock will need CVI (within 30 days) and brand inspection completed prior to entry. Equine need Coggins test, Sheep/Goat need Scrapie tag.

Make sure to get all proper paper work done ahead of time and have copies to be Presented at check in All paperwork will be inspected, verified, and collected at check in. If proper paperwork is not available we can not take in consignments so please get with your vet right away and if you have questions we will be glad to help  

Items will be sold in the order they are consigned in each areas of the sale. Animals will be sold with cages by the head. Animals must be visible, able to move freely, and not crowded. All cages must have food and water. Any cages in poor condition or sick birds/animals will not be allowed. All sales are final and all guarantees are between buyer and seller (inspect before buying). All game birds/animals must have game tags before selling.

We look forward to seeing everyone on sale day thanks

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