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Service truck air compressor

Abilene, Kansas
Posted 8 years, 10 months ago
Expires in 0 minutes
1,372 Clicks


This IMT model HD-750 air compressor is an under hood,engine mounted, single stage, air cooled, 4-cylinder,pressure lubricated unit, with a delivery rate of 25CFM at 1400 RPM. The compressor is belt driven from the engine crankshaft, through a magnetic clutch. It is engaged and disengaged by use of an air pressure sensing, electric switch. The pressure switch is preset on factory installed unit at approximately 120 PSI to engage, and 150 PSI to disengage. Was removed from a farm tire repair truck. Works great, it will keep up with sandblasting with a 50 lbs pot. Was going to mount on a 60 gal tank with 16hp gas engine. $350.00 obo


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